Tuesday, 24 September 2019

Action talk from Jenny Colby

Cursillo Action Talk     Friday 22nd February 2019

I want to share with you three actions – the first is in the community, the second is church and community and the third is more directly church.

Since September last I have become very involved in a local primary school which is in special measures for all sorts of reasons.

It is one of the schools we go into with Open the Book which, if you are not familiar with, presents Bible Stories mostly those written by Bob Hartman in a fun way with a narrator and adults and children in costumes.

I began listening to children read in a y3/4 class on Monday afternoons last September; then also started to speak at their assemblies. In December I became a Foundation Governor.  The school is managed by DSAT Diocese of Salisbury Academy Trust so is part of Salisbury Diocesan Board of Education.

Two or three weeks ago I had observed some unacceptable behaviour in the classroom which I reflected on for the assembly I was speaking at that Friday. I based the assembly on the school prayer which reads -

‘Father God, Please give us the courage to do the best we can, to be kind and caring to all, to show understanding and respect to others. We are thankful for all we have.’          

My Bible readings that week were from the letter of James and I read out to them Ch3v 17and 18, from the International Children’s Bible New Century Version, relating this to how God would help them to be could be kind and caring.  

‘The wisdom that comes from God is like this: first, it is pure. Then it is also peaceful, gentle and easy to please. This wisdom is always ready to help those who are troubled and to do good to others. This wisdom is always fair and honest. When people work for peace in a peaceful way, they receive the good result of their good living.’

The second action is something I began in January of last year. It is called ‘Cuppa and Company’. I started it in response to a comment that was made at a church meeting that there wasn’t enough for people who lived on their own. I put posters round the town and notified the churches. I had a response from a lady who lives near to me who has no church connection but has come quite regularly and I visited her at home after she had a shoulder operation. We now have 7 regulars and occasional people who try us out. The regulars are from Anglican, Baptist, Methodist, RC and no church. There is no agenda, we drink tea or coffee and eat biscuits or cake and we chat. But I believe God is there in the midst and I feel it is what is often called presence evangelism – showing God’s love to one another.



The third action to share with you is Mother’s Union. In January I became Branch Leader of Calne Mother’s Union. I have been a member of MU for over 30 years and have previously been the leader of Ascot MU.  There are 30 members in Calne but we have between 8 and 12 attend the monthly meetings. We have a varied programme planned by the committee, some afternoon and some evening meetings.

In the afternoon we meet for prayer at 1.50 and the meeting starts at 2.15. My concern is that only a few attend for the time of prayer, others arriving in time for the meeting. I believe that this group should focus more on prayer, both individual and corporate and in supporting each other in prayer and action.

I am involved in lots of other things in the church and the community (perhaps too many) but these 3 – the school, Cuppa and Company and MU are what I would value your prayers for.


Newsletter June 2019

Newsletter June 2019

Dear Friends,


We will continue to send information from Bristol Cursillo unless you request that you no longer wish to receive newsletters as we are very keen to keep in touch with all 4th day community. Those of us who have continued to attend Group Reunions continue to find them very helpful and we would encourage you to think of trying to attend. If you currently do not participate in a group reunion and would like to do so please let Angela know so that we can arrange to make contact with others for you.


This newsletter includes:

     Planned Ultreyas

     Report from our Spiritual Director

     Report from our Lay Director

     Details of upcoming events



      Saturday 29th June in Stanton St Quintin Parish Hall SN14 6DE 10.30am – 2.30pm South West Area meeting and Ultreya (more information below)

     Wednesday 25th September 7.15 for 7.30pm in St Giles, Stanton St Quintin

     AGM Saturday 26th October, venue and time of day to be decided.


Spiritual Director’s Report

God of reconciliation and grace

you promise us a world where all is new,

where love is born when hope is gone

where broken relationships are restored to wholeness.

May we live as people who know your story of love

and we have the vision to imagine what could be possible

if we dared to live this story.

God of abundant life,

may we be witnesses of love, hope and peace

and co-creators of your life in the world.



I came across this Collect recently, during Christian Aid week.  I immediately thought of our “Fourth Day”, in which we are called to live out the New Life of Christ in our daily lives. I am enormously encouraged when I meet with other Cursillistas in Group Reunions and Ultreyas, to hear stories of lives lived out through Prayer, Study and Action. We are made accountable to each other and the Holy Spirit.  In other words, we dare to live out the story of God’s reconciliation and grace, his promise of wholeness in the face of brokenness.  When Lay Director Angela and I met recently with Bishop Viv, we were received with great warmth and kindness, as we explored how the Cursillo movement might enrich the spiritual life of the Diocese.  Bishop Viv is already familiar with Cursillo from her experience in Gloucester, Leicester and York Dioceses.  Because of significant changes currently being made in the Senior Staff of the Diocese, she asked us to make early contact with the new Director of Ministry Development, Dr Simon Taylor, to see how Cursillo might dovetail with the Mission Strategy for our churches.  This month we are privileged to welcome our new National Spiritual Director to our South West Ultreya and to hear Stephen’s vision for Cursillo.

Until that time we are called to discipleship; to live out that vision of God’s new creation, as witnesses of love, hope and peace, as co-creators of God’s New Life, in the world.

Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful, and kindle in us the fire of your love.  Amen

Rev Alastair Davies

Spiritual Director


From our Lay Director

We seem to be coming up to a busy time for Cursillo both locally and nationally. Upcoming events are listed below. My prayer for Cursillistas within the Bristol Diocese is for support and growth. Support for each other, growth in faith for all. For myself, I am greatly encouraged in my faith by attending group reunions and the local Church bible study group. By grouping together we encourage each other and support each other in faith. If you are currently not part of a group reunion and are would like to regularly meet with other local Cursillistas please contact me msg4ang@hotmail.co.uk or tel 01666 837478. We have a new group which has started and some Christians in the local area are attending groups pre- Cursillo. I hope that the courage it takes to make that first step will be of benefit and encouragement both to people returning to or starting to attend group reunions as well as those who have been grouping for some time. If you know someone from your local church who you think would benefit from the Cursillo Method please encourage them to attend a group reunion to see how Cursillo can support them in their faith.



BACC AGM 18th May 2019

There was a lot of change at the meeting in May. The National Constitution was updated; Steven took over from Cynthia as National Spiritual Director, Cheryl took over from Jane as National Treasurer, Steven took over from Billy as Webmaster. Beth Roberts will spend the next year shadowing Trevor King, his final year as National President, and will take up this role from the AGM next May.

Cynthia, our outgoing National Spiritual Director, gave an encouraging talk on the Servant Community and how Cursillistas grow in faith and commitment through being more closely involved. I can certainly relate to that! Being on team for a CLW last year took me out of my comfort zone but I think that I gained as much, if not more than the delegates who attended. I have now agreed to be part of the team for the CLW in March 2020.  I have now also completed two of my three years as Area Rep for the South West. That is something else that daunted me when I agreed to take on the role but I have personally benefited from being part of the National movement and I think that this has also encouraged us within the Bristol Diocese. Next May someone new will be taking over this role.


Pray for our planet!

The following article was included in the Spring issue of BACC Pages. A couple of us from Bristol Diocese have responded to Di in support of her initiative. It is good to remember that God did not just create man – he first created the earth and gave man custody over it. I encourage you to include prayer for our planet individually and within your group reunions and within your church and other prayer groups.

Prayer is our secret weapon against global warming! Dear Fellow Cursillistas, I am writing to share with you something that has been increasingly on my heart and mind for some weeks now - our response as Christians to the threat of global warming, which many now say is a ticking clock. It is time to put it on our prayer agenda big time. We know that God loves and cares for our whole world - his creation. He is never taken by surprise and he has a plan! Agreeing with him in consistent, faithful prayer for his good purposes WILL make the difference - he has promised it! The question is - how to factor this prayer into our busy lives which may already be on overload? The last thing we need is more meetings, commitments, time away from family and friends. This is my suggestion - for prayer alliances, where individuals covenant with God to pray specifically about global warming and environmental issues - maybe for one hour a month, maybe one hour a week. They can choose when and where to pray and how to divide the time. People can meet together or agree to pray at the same time if they wish. If you think this is a good idea, maybe you could discuss it in your Reunion Group, which is pretty much perfectly designed for such an initiative as this! Think back to your Cursillo weekend - Cursillo runs on prayer - it’s our secret weapon! I may add that I have emailed as many clergy in the Durham Diocese with this idea as I could find - about a hundred - with a sample prayer points sheet attachment in case they found it helpful. (I may have emailed your vicar!) About 10 responded and I will be emailing a prayer points letter to them on a monthly basis. If you think you’d like one, let me know on dimurp@aol.com and I’ll send you one too. Go with God, fellow Cursillistas. Ultreya! Di Murphy, Durham #6


Angela Smith

Lay Director


Upcoming events


South West Area meeting and Ultreya

This is being held on Saturday 29th June in Stanton St Quintin Parish Hall SN14 6DE

10.30am – 2.30pm

Guest speaker: Revd. Stephen Bowring - National Spiritual Director. Stephen was commissioned as National Spiritual Director at the Eucharist following the AGM on 18th May and will be sharing and developing his ideas for the future. Do attend to encourage and be encouraged by Stephen.

All Cursillistas and pre-Cursillistas from the South West are welcome to this event. Please notify Angela Smith, South West Area Rep email west@anglicancursillo.co.uk by 21st June, if you are able to attend. Lunch will be provided – a small donation towards the cost of food would be appreciated.



Garden Party 13th July 2019 2.30 – 4.30 pm

The garden at Appletrees, 6, High Street, Sutton Benger, SN15 4RD will be open.

Teas, plant sales and other stalls in aid of the Bristol Diocese Cursillo

Come with friends and enjoy the delights of Tony’s garden and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee with cake and chat.


National Ultreya Chester 31 August 2019


National Ultreyas are really uplifting events, meeting other Cursillistas from around the country, worshipping and participating in the Eucharist together, sharing fellowship and undertaking a walk of witness with all banners held high through whatever city the event is being held. This year the event is being held in Chester on 31st August and bookings can be made via the following link: https://www.chestercursillo.org.uk/ultreya-2019. To help with the planning those wishing to attend are encouraged to book as soon as possible. No lunchtime food is being provided but can be purchased nearby. Cursillistas who need overnight accommodation should book their own. There are no central arrangements for this.

I would like to encourage as many as possible from Bristol Diocese to attend. Let us support and encourage the National Cursillo movement and be uplifted in our faith. Please contact Angela to discuss co-ordination of transport.


Canterbury Pilgrimage

A reminder that Canterbury is hosting a Pilgrimage from 13th - 16th August: "The Path to Pilgrimage - Becket and Beyond"

The deadline for booking is 30th June

Organised by Canterbury Cursillo it will run from Tuesday 13th August to Friday 16th August and be based in Dover, Kent. The focus will be on the subject of pilgrimage following the death of Archbishop Thomas Becket in 1170 AD. In those times, pilgrims came to Canterbury from all parts of the British Isles and also from Europe in considerable numbers. Highly respected historian, Canon Dr Christopher Dent, will be leading the pilgrimage and we will visit historic and spiritual sites in East Kent including Canterbury Cathedral.

We will be staying at Dover College, a place not only of great learning but also of significant historical interest. We will use the College’s comfortable minibuses for our transport and the provisional itinerary blends interesting history with significant spiritual experiences and worship. A memorable experience is guaranteed and the cost per person is £250.00.

Further details can be found on BACC’s website: http://www.anglicancursillo.co.uk/information-for-dioceses.php

Please share with all Cursillistas and any others who may be interested



BACC Pages

The National Newsletter for Spring 2019 has been published on the BACC website. http://www.anglicancursillo.co.uk/bacc-pages.php



Contact details:–


Hilary Greene, Secretary and Communications Officer

3 Rectory Close

Stanton St Quintin



SN14 6DT

01666 837850


Angela Smith, Lay Director

2 Stantone

Malmesbury Road,

Lower Stanton St Quintin



SN14 6BS

01666 837478